Bridging Gaps From the Past to the Present and to the Future
"To help creative marginalized women and marginalized genders gain accessibility and visibility in the arts to facilitate personal healing."
- Claire Jones and Amaranthia Sepia
Mother-Daughter Team & Creators of Sista Creatives Rising
A Black Disabled Women Owned Project
Sista Creatives Rising (SCR) is a project (not a non-profit!) and concept founded by Black, invisibly disabled mother-daughter duo Claire Jones (age 62) and Amaranthia Sepia (age 25). At SCR, our mission is to help creative, marginalized women and marginalized genders gain accessibility and visibility in the arts to facilitate personal healing.
SCR seeks to strengthen our community by increasing the visibility of these artists with our disability-accessible virtual film event, "Art & Mind." We compensate artists and raise funds to create grants via our Sistas Uprising Fund. As a grassroots project founded by a disabled immunocompromised Black mother-daughter duo, we ensure our work incorporates disability justice principles and accessibility tools. SCR seeks to strengthen our community by increasing the visibility of these artists and providing them with affordable and accessible resources.
If our work resonates with you, we'd love to present your artistry!
Interested in Virtual Engagements & Workshops Centered On Disability & The Arts?
Co-Founder Claire Jones is a virtual public speaker and collaborates with Amaranthia Sepia to facilitate virtual disability accessible keynotes and workshops. As a lymphoma, paralysis and domestic violence survivor, she helps marginalized women activate their light, in the middle of chaos, by recognizing the causes and effects of intergenerational trauma.
"An experience of collective pain does not deliver us from grief or sadness; it is a ministry of presence." - Brené Brown
Black & Still COVIDing Stories
As part of our work for Sista Creatives Rising, we advocate for virtual and hybrid spaces for disabled, chronically ill/immunocompromised people, along with people who aren't disabled but want to stay safe. We are disabled and immunocompromised ourselves. As a result, we are still masking, and "Still COVIDing." With mask mandates fading, especially in healthcare, many of us are restricted to our homes. Since Black people are disproportionately affected by COVID, we're looking for Black people to share their stories. The slideshow containing these stories, titled "Black And Still COVIDing: Stories of Separation, Isolation, Disability and Hope," will be continuously updated. It will be shared with organizations focusing on Black social justice issues, BIPOC experiences, marginalized identities, disability, mental health, health and wellness, and artist organizations.
General Inquiry
Art & Mind Inquiries
Virtual Workshop/Presentation Inquiries
Virtual Speaking Engagements
Virtual Media Interview